Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dark Eldar Assemble!

Completed assembling the 15 Wyches for my 3 Venom borne AT hunters.

5 Wyches armed with Haywire grenades and mounted in a Venom with 2 Splinter cannons should be able to take out most armour hopefully. With the Venoms pumping out 12 poisoned shots to take care of the occupants that will inevitably spill out of the tanks.

3 squads of 5 Wyches

Wyches and 1st Venom
Also finished assembling the first squad of Kabalite Trueborn with Shardcarbines. Modeled one of them with a plasma grenade as I bought the upgrade for the squad. Need to get another box of Scourges to loot another 5 carbines for the second squad.
Trueborn with Shardcarbines
 For my HQ I've selected Duke Sliscus, basically because he gives all my vehicles Deep Strike capability and he adds some punch to my Wyches with his ability to roll twice on the Combat Drugs table. That, and the fact that I can also make one of my Trueborn squads weapons Poisoned (3+) is really good.

I've decided to use the Archon model as a base but remodeling him with a Venom blade (gonna see how I can model a second one on him to represent his 'Serpent's Bite') and a blast pistol. But I can't decide which head to use, though I am leaning towards horny IYKWIM ;P. Ideas, guys?

Duke Sliscus WIP

Got a box of finecast Incubi for the Duke's retinue too.

Incubi retinue for the Duke

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